Springing into spring...

New Courses - March 2021 

I’ve planned two exciting new courses for March, to run each week on Sundays and Tuesdays.  

Drawing - Weekend Art Hour, Sundays 1.30-3.00pm  |  7, 14, 21 March

I’ve had lots of enquiries for drawing classes, and absolutely love teaching drawing in ‘real life’, so I’ve devised a short course, really as an introduction/taster to drawing.  It’s going to run from Sunday 7 March to Sunday 21 March, from 1.30-3.00pm.  You don’t need any experience of drawing to join (though you might be an accomplished artist, who just wants to do more drawing!), but you will need some basic drawing materials, eg pencils, charcoal, paper (I’ll provide a full list of materials in advance).  I’m planning to cover some basics such as effective proportion, line, form, tone, and effective mark-making, and increase the complexity each week as your confidence grows (which it will!!).  £28 for whole course or £10 per individual session.


Abstract Industrial Structures - Tuesdays 1.30-3.00pm  |  9, 16, 23 March

This course is a really great opportunity to learn more about breaking away from representational painting, developing unconventional techniques and approaches to painting architectural structures.  I’ll be working a little larger scale than in my recent courses, and exploring different tools and media, which will be expressive, lots of fun and perhaps messy at times!  

£28 for whole course or £10 per individual session.
