Earlier this month, I entered into an exciting collaboration with Max Laniado Fine Arts, who are now representing me and my work internationally. Max Laniado Fine Arts are based in Chelsea, New York, London and Paris, and they are now promoting my work to collectors globally. This big step has come at a time where my work has begun to change, develop and become (I hope) more ambitious in terms of its scope and scale.
When I added the last two new pieces on my website, I took a moment to look at the progression in my work over the last 14 months or so.
The creative process must go on, of course, though at times it is challenging, and the pandemic has had a huge impact on all our lives. During this life changing year, I have great moments of clarity, energy, drive and motivation, where work has been generated with genuine exploration and engagement with ideas, concept and process in harmony. Then there have been other days, where my thoughts have been foggy or unclear, where the colour palette fails and I’m suddenly lost as to where I’m heading with my work.
The last couple of years have been a rush of ideas, experiments, sampling, making mistakes (some good, some not so good), exploring and working late into the night and producing many, many pieces. This was such an important phase, and I have worked through ideas at a pace, but on a smaller scale, gathering momentum and developing my practice. It feels like a natural place to start to put those ideas into place now, to develop and push to the next thing, working bigger, exploring new colours, values, shapes and compositions..
So I’ve slowed down the creative process, I’m taking more time to think, reflect and ponder. To meditate on a piece. To work deeper into a painting. To evolve the layers further. To push at the boundaries once more. To begin to understand what I’m aiming for. I’ve come to realise that the times where I question what I am doing with my work are absolutely at the core of the creative process, and must be there in order to evolve the ideas, and not repeat repeat repeat…