Another World is my new online solo show, on until June 27th 2021 at Max Laniado Fine Arts, New York. The work is organised in two rooms, room 1 contains a collection of new pieces from 2021, and a retrospective room with earlier pieces from 2019 and 2020 in room 2.
Curating the show was an opportunity to reflect on how my work has changed over the past year or two, my response to the pandemic intricately woven between the layers of texture, transparent paint, light and colour. Our response to the world around us is complex and personal, and as an artist, I’m often not fully aware of all of the underlying messages that I blend with the paint, until after a piece is completed and I can reflect with some objectivity (this is difficult when immersed in a piece). Please take a look - it’s been beautifully put together by the brilliant team at Max Laniado Fine Arts in Chelsea, New York, and is available to view online.
In tandem with my virtual solo show, it was a great pleasure to hang a collection of pieces at the Moorcock Inn on Norland, to celebrate their reopening after the Covid-19 restrictions were recently eased. Anyone local to West Yorkshire, in the UK, can view 30 pieces in person within the restaurant, bar and upstairs gallery space if visiting the restaurant for service (please see their website for the latest Covid-19 news).
Please feel free to come back and comment if you like the online show!